May 9, 2006

my brush with the semi- famous......
i've been addicted to myspace recently. my friends and i all have profiles, as do many celebs (mostly comedians and indie rock bands, 2 things i love!) i found a profile for doug standhope and saw that he actually logs in to his account fairly often. when i saw this pic, i was immediately smitten. i decided he would be my new celeb crush (just for the caption alone) and wrote about it on my myspace profile. well today he actually wrote a comment on my myspace (said he'd "always love me") and i got such a kick out of it.

yes, i am a nerd! i am not the type to write to famous folks or ask for autographs. so this was cool to me. i love the way the internet, and especially myspace has made people so much more accessible. even bjork is on myspace!

on another note, watch this video: click here to see a sensitive film about a girl's first menses. it's really horrible!!!!


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Smitten huh????

  2. Well, I guess you can take your profile off of now. I've written hundreds of emails to Björk and the only reply I got was from the police. Something about a restraing order. You put up one stinking blog post and WHAM! You hook him in! It just ain't fair!

  3. Hey, isn't MySpace a site for pervs that end up on Dateline?

  4. tlm, so does that make ME a perv? or doug stanhope? and how can i get myself on dateline for being pervy? i've always wanted to be on tv!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Its only a matter of time I'm sure...

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Silly wabbit..Myspace is fow kids..
