April 26, 2006

to blog or not to blog.....

ok, so i write about a lot of stuff on here, and i mentioned the whole online dating thing and a possible "date". everyone wants to know how it went, but i don't want to say to much and jinx anything. plus i might give this guy my blog address someday, so i need to keep it simple.

we met for coffee, had great conversation that carried into dinner. he's funny and smart, and seems to think the same of me. the waitress kept saying what a "cute couple" we were, and i wanted to tell her, "i just met this guy 2 hours ago, but thanks!"

to sum it up; he is so NOT hideous, and he doesn't think i am a total freak. we'll see what happens (and what i write about.) just stop bein' nosey!!!


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I don't think he's ready for the blog yet.....

  2. i don't think he's ready for this jelly.....

    hahahahaha! i'm bootylicious! (it's from the beyonce song, duh!)

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    You got that right....

  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    He'll think you're a total freak once you give him the good on me, no? (o: "He's your friend and he does... what?" If you don't tell him I will, I need to keep you away from those evil men!

  5. Just watch. He'll seem great at first, then turn into a major bitch who'll just want you to fix everything in your life or she won't find you attractive and then you'll dump her over text messages and she'll send you an email through match 3 months after the fact that say she's sorry your dad died 3 months ago..

    oh...shit...sorry. that's my life, not yours. never mind!

    Just let things go naturally. as long as you two don't have expectations and just enjoy the ride for wherever it takes you.

  6. chris- that made me laugh so hard, i almost spit iced tea out of my nose. good job!

    mr. bear- if anyone has anything bad to say about you, they are history!
