April 3, 2006

"Poll: Most Open to Letting Immigrants Stay"

i'm on my lunchbreak and reading the news online. this headline grabbed my attention. because unless i'm mistaken, the majority of those being polled aren't living on a reservation or part of a tribe. here in cleveland, most of us have family who only got off the boat a few generations ago. of course even then we weren't always kind to immigrants. my grandpap (my mom's dad who came here from yugoslavia as a child) had to explain to me what "DP" meant. {it meant "displaced person", the name you got when you arrives at ellis island, and wasn't a nice thing to call someone.}

with the huge pro-immigration rallies happening and congress about to vote, it just has me wondering what it means to live in this country, and how we treat the people who want to live here.

and yes, i called him "grandpap", it's not a typo! hahahahaha!!!!!


  1. Yes, isn't it amazing thet the same senators who wouldn't have been elected if not for the shady cash and redistricting antics of DeLay and Abramoff get to stand in public and say that a guest worker program would affront all legal immigrants who "did things the right way."

    Yep we like out immigrants terrified and undocumented like the nannies of federal and supreme court nominees.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Yes this is true.....I remember when I was a kid (yes I can remember that far back) anyone with a foreign accent was labeled a DP....but also blacks where not allowed in the front of the bus, or in your schools, etc....So I guess we have made some improvements in this world...Too bad it takes so long to fix it...

  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    The only people who have the right to complain about immigrants are the people who were here 'originally', i.e., the Native American Tribes. Everyone else is an immigrant or is descended from immigrants.

    That said, America has laws, and people who immigrate illegally are breaking those laws. Aside from that, it also shows a certain level of disrespect for this country and illegal immigrant often use our social welfare programs without ever giving anything back. Many examples of this can be found in the states bordering Mexico, where, for example, hospitals have been forced to shut down because so much money is spent treating illegal immigrants (remember: emergency rooms by law can NOT turn ANYONE away) but the bills are never paid - not even by Medicare.

    Immigrants - Yes. Illegal immigrants - Please die.
