April 10, 2006

"Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." ~ Leonard Cohen
i just found out that april is national poetry month. i have many friends who write poetry, as i do. i have poets that i love and can quote them off the top of my head (e.e. cummings, bukowski, etc...) since i started this blog i have considered posting some of my own poetry, but this is a tough crowd!

well from now until the end of the month, i am once again in "QA lockdown". i will not have access to a phone the internet for the most part. i won't have a lot of time to keep up with the blog since the hours might go up to 60 hours each week. so i thought maybe for the next month, i could post poems. some of my own and any you brave souls might want to submit. or maybe i'll just post some of my favorite poems by others. who knows???

if anyone is interested, email me a poem of your own, or one by someone else that you like. you can include lyrics to songs. (leonard cohen is a musician AND a poet in my book!) if anyone is brave enough to send me a poem of their own (i can even post them as anonymus), i will give out a prize! (um, yeah, i don't know what kind of prize yet....) poems can be funny or serious (and they don't have to rhyme.) hell, i'll even print a dirty limmerick!


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "There once was a man from Nantucket" oh! thats not a poem is it....Sorry....

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    One that always stays with me is:

    Wait for the wagon.
    Wait for the duck.
    Wait for the monkey.
    Suck. Suck. Suck!!!

    And then there's always:

    Pretzels and coffee is all I eat.
    Pretzels and coffee can't be beat.
    Forget the veggies.
    Forget the meat.
    Pretzels and coffee is all I eat.

    Word to your muhthuh.
