April 3, 2006

my name is girl.......
i think i might hate this show and all it's karma BS, but i had a total earl experience at the grocery. karma gave me a cheesecake!!!!

i was in line at the grocery, noticing how rude people are. the lady in front of me didn't put the divider stick down for me, and never said thank you to the cashier. well, while i was noticing how rude she was being, i didn't notice someone behind me, waiting for ME to put the divider down! i felt like such a jerk! it hit me that instead of standing around noticing the rude shit people do, i should just ignore it and keep trying to be more polite. i'll be polite of out spite!!!

the lady ahead of me left and i followed closely behind. well, when i got out the door i saw the fancy newyork cheesecake i had noticed in her cart on the ground. i knew then what to do. i picked it up and looked for her so i could return it. and when i saw she had already left, i knew it was a gift from karma for realizing i was being rude earlier! and because i tried to return it first (even though she was a bitch who didn't deserve a nice cheesecake), karma said "good job!"

p.s. my photo blog has been updated (kareoke pics included.) go look!!!


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Unless that was a fat free sugar free cheesecake, I might tend to believe those karma cops were possibly trying to do you harm.

    And as far as that goes, for all I take up the cheeks on a daily basis, you'd think they'd at least throw me a bag of cheese nips or something. All I get is grief....


  2. Jennifer, Jason Lee has always been the shiess, dummy. I need to bring you this art book I have of skateboard and snowboard graphics. His boards were always really sharp and hilarious commentaries on American Culture, ah there was a Beauty and the Bwast one that was obscene.

  3. stacy, i am going to break your heart like i just did jennette's and tell you that jason lee is a scientologist. yup. so's beck.

    now does that make lee's skateboard's any less wonderful? no. but it takes him out of "shiess" running.


  4. Jennifer has a list of scientologists to boycott, mwah mwah.

    Next you'll say Marilyn Manson isn't Baptist. We'll all be so heartbroken about that hot news flash.

  5. hahaha! that made me laugh so hard at work! good thing my boss didn't hear me. he says there is no laughter in the pit....

    i don't normally boycott or blacklist anyone, but i find scientology to be, well, flakey as hell. the whole thetans thing is bad science fiction. and i am concerned when celebrities like tom cruise tell people that post partum depression can be cured with vitamins and e-meters. and the whole silent birth thing is hideous!

    you know what this is? it's a case of little miss glitter has too much time to go online and research this BS!

    but i am fascinated by stuff like; secret societies, religons based on aliens, celebrities acting batshit crazy, cults, the history of psychiatry.

    "matt, you're being glib. i've studied the history of psychiatry!"
    (tom cruise on the today show) david and i quote that all the time!

    gosh, this comment has turned into an entire post!

  6. Yes, Jennifer, Tom Cruise is a dangerous little nutchatch and Priscilla Presley is a miniaturized Macy's Balloon. I get it.

    Now as for Karma I heard Carson Daly is no longer in love with Tara Reid's misshapen saucer sized areolae....

  7. Oh man... I've lost all respect for Jason Lee, now that I know he's one of them.
