February 12, 2006

some random thoughts before lockdown....

if you keep up with comments on my blog, you will notice my mom likes to add her 2 cents. she told a very nice young lobster-man the she was "disappointed in him" for complimenting me on my fancy new bangs. what mom does that? so when i finally get arrested for doing something terrible (and you know i will) the judge will give me a lenient sentence just because my mom is such a meanie!

lyrics of the day: "is it any wonder i'm not a criminal? is it any wonder i'm not in jail?" (styx)

styx, now there was a rock band! i think all my friends know the infamous "mr. roboto" modern dance recital story. let's just say i can't hear that song without breaking out in a sweat. it's like a vietnam flash back, only it involves a lavendar leotard. the horror!!! oh god, the horror!!!

ok, now for some thoughts on tv: jenna elfman is unpleasant. the olympics are dumb. battlestar galactica kicks ass and is the first show on sci-fi i have ever liked. other boys have tried, but matt is the only 1 to find a sci-fi show i could love. of course i love it because it's dark and twisted. they force robots to have abortions!!!

ok, time to get shit ready for work and then go to bed early. the photo i am using for this post is bad. makes me feel dirty just looking at it....


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Charlton, you ARE dirty...whether you're looking at it or not.

    And for the record, Styx was ridiculous. Dennis DeWitt is a pissy-pants, crybaby, asshole and makes me want to kick him right in his permullet.

    And finally, I would pay you $50 to see you publicly dance the Mr. Roboto in a purple leotard...and I might be inclined to raise the anty with a pot of chicken and dumplings if you add the fairy wings and pink wig.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Jennifer, you know its all said with love....Someone has to tell the truth...You know you have a history with your "Mayme" bangs....We have pictures!

  3. Dennis De Young is so gay that all the other gay folks want to invent a different word for gay.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    SEE Jennigirl ...should have stuck with the scenery painting like us artsy nerds did ... (the giant ASIA eye) then you wouldn't have these horrific lavender leotard flashbacks!!! the smile has left your eyes but I'm diggin the bangs ...sorry stickmom!

  5. Anonymous8:41 PM

    oh dear- i wore a burgundy leotard for that lovely number- do you remember that i was in it too. i remember practicing before school. we thought we were so cool! i like the bangs by the way. and i watch battlestar galactica every week. whew! now i'm tired and need to go to bed. i saw 25 screaming wheezing sick children today- i love winter!!!!

  6. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Battlestar Schmattlestar. That crazy Japanese import show with the loony guys dressed like sumo wrestlers with Italian names and the announcer who calls himself Guy (pronounced "gheee")LeDouche and all the loony people throwing themselves into huge puddles of mud and running head long into closed doors with all the dirty voice overs - now THAT'S television. Can't remember the name of it...maybe Extreme Elimination, or something equally ridiculous - God, it's fabulous.


  7. sladj was smart enough to actually show up for practice. being short i was stuck in front and never bothered to really learn the moves. so i was right in front doing everything wrong. THE STORY OF MY LIFE!

    ok russell & sladj, do you remember bob bundy's rendition of "cat's in the cradle"? he was dreamy!

    and keith, i mean mags, find out the name of that show!

    mom- i have 9 chairs and everyone loves my bangs.

  8. Anonymous2:11 PM

    OK...Keith Urban here with the requested info on the TV show mentioned above:

    Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC)
    Airs Thursday 9:00 p.m./Spike TV
    Japanese import pitting two teams against one another in a variety of hideous physical challenges stunts. Dirty English voice overs that have nothing to do with the original Japanese text. Hosted by two Asian men named "Vic Romano" and "Kenny Blankenship", both dressed in ridiculous ethnic costumes and wigs. Other regulars are announcer Guy LaDouche and Captain Tenneal.

    Possibly the most ridiculous show I've ever seen. Nothing beat the guy that fell off the pole vault and planted himself head first into a 12 inch pool of mud. It was perfectly hideous. Then there was the little Japanese lady who was supposed to try to catch a volley ball that had been launched out of a device not unlike a cannon, all the while wallowing in the same mud...ball hit her square in the gob at about 100 mph and knocked her over like a redwood. And they showed the replay over and over and over....

    Yea. We're talkin' serious, high-falootin', edumuhcated teliovision here, folks.

  9. Glittergirl, I know what you mean about scary leotard flashbacks. Let's not even go there!
