February 10, 2006

i saw this pic online today and thought to myself, "yeah, i can relate!" work is overwhelming and the hours are back to brutal. this 2nd wave of 60 hour work weeks is not as easy this time around, not for any of us. in fact, i sense a mutany about to occur. all hands on deck in the pit!!!

sorry, but i love pirate talk. #

other then work, not much else to report. too exhausted to come up with anything good. i am waiting for mag's to finally write a guest blog since she's so damn funny in the comments.

quotes of the day (on "regret")
"i would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if i'd just been myself." - brittany renée
"my one regret in life is that i am not someone else." - woody allen
"my biggest regret in life is that i didn't hit john denver in the mouth while i had the chance." - denis leary

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I definitely see a resemblance.....
