February 22, 2006

the blog is a-hopin'.....

the cabbage roll debate has been hysterical. i say we bread 'em and throw them in the fry daddy! do you know they deep fry saurkraut?

i'm excited about sunday's potluck. i have 9 dining room chairs and plenty of other furniture. hell, we'll put people in the bed! everyone is invited but no one is obligated. it's all good bro-in-law! besides, after this sunday's extravaganza, it's time to take it easy. i'm taking the wing out of the beautiful 6 chair dining room set and going back to being a hermit for a while.

ok, the festivities start at 3pm, but feel free to arrive later. there's no dress code and PJ's are welcome. also, no one is obligated to cook anything. just shoot me an email and tell me what you want to bring, or don't bring a dang thing at all! i am working behind the scenes to figure out the menu. so far rach is bringing her famous mac and cheese (made the black folk's way) and mag's is deciding between stew or a homemade chicken pot pie. my mom is making a cake for dessert. as for me, i haven't decided.....

btw- is it politically incorrect for me to refer to a "black folk's" recipe? i've always been interested in different cultures and in columbus my friends introduced me to soul food and different ways their families cooked. to me, comparing black and white people cooking is no different then comparing german and slovenian people cooking... but tell me if you think i'm wrong.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    My best friend from 5th grade through college was a black girl (and a lesbian, on top of it). She always told me that as long as their was no obvious disrespect intended, there was usually no problem with people referring to differences between the cultures, because, aside from the obvious, there are so many differences in everything, from music to dress to food, etc. And her mom made the most rockin' food in the world. Always full of pork products and salt and butter and tasting like heaven. So, in my head, saying that Rachel is making mac and cheese like the black folks, makes me really want some, as opposed to saying she makes it like a bunch of skinny, pasty white folks, who are probably using whole wheat pasta and fat free cheese. Blech.

    I think I have decided on the chicken pot pie, BTW. I can't wait to see everyone!!! I don't think I've laid eyes on Sticklady or Jenette or Rachel or David Reynolds in a year. WooHooo!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Bring it on Mags!! See Yah!

  3. mike's gonna be there! woo hoo!!!

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Yay for Mike.....Your alright!

  5. Seriously, you don't think black folks refer to Trader Joe's as the White Liberal Grocery?

    Most of Kim's family thinks I am secretly dark of the berry 'cause I know how to make stuff like pies, wings, mac and cheese, and biscuits from scratch. And the funny thing is they're more proper than me. They all eat healthy and watch their weight.
