January 20, 2006

today i am not a big fan of humans.....

so here's a new list! celebrities i dislike:

  • star jones (super genius of the world)

(star's thoughts on the war in iraq, and bush & bin laden:) "You know what?" she added, "At some point, one of these men has to put it back in his pants and zip up the zipper at some point." "This isn't somebody whipping it out," shot co-host Meredith Vieira. "You know what, I'm a little tired of posturing back and forth," Jones replied.

  • tom cruise (creepy and pompous. he's studied the history of psychiatry! stop being so glib!)
  • sean connery (i'll take "the rapist" for $200, alex!)
  • burt reynolds (an asshole with bad plastic surgery)
  • lead singer of creed (creepy and pompous, messiah complex))
  • oprah winfrey (a million reasons....)
  • larry king (worst interviewer in the history of humans and microphones)

that's all i've got off the top of my head, but please feel free to add or debate. as always, arguements are encouraged here at glittergirl in the city!

over in some other comment section, there's talk of a glittergirl blog party. i am loving the idea and looking into booking leslie and the lys, or at least finding some cool gem sweaters at the thrift store for everyone to wear!

speaking of that, i was googling for new pics of leslie, and found this blog: http://lobstermessiah.blogspot.com/ this is my first endorsement of a stranger's blog, and said stranger ought to be impressed and greatful!


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Webster says:

    GRATEFUL a. pleasing; gratifying; feeling or expressing gratitude.

    GREATFUL: A word made up by Charlton.


  2. dammit! i was wondering if that was right or wrong, but forgot to run spell check.

    you can thank the good old public school system in eastlake OH for that mistake!

  3. I can no longer ride with Courtney Love or Angelina Jolie.

    Not because they're bad girls, but they're the Second Comings of Joan Crawford and Mia Farrow respectively.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    but those girls make us look good, so we need them.....

  5. I am grateful, and I thank you very much for the endorsement! :)

    Great celebrity list, by the way. I wholeheartedly agree with all of them, except for Star. I cut her a break because I feel kinda bad for her (the whole gay husband thing, the fact that all of her The View co-hosts hate her, etc.)

  6. star is a mean hypocrite. she was extremely anti-weightloss surgery for years. now has lost a TON of weight, but won't say how.

    big mama jama is a hypocrite!!!!

  7. There is a bikini foto of big pushy Burning Ball Of Gas with extremely deflated funbags and telltale laproscopy scars on one of them tabloid covers this week.

    Someone should sponsor a lift and tuck.

  8. And a shut the fuck up!
