January 23, 2006

RANDOM huckabuck.....

tiny cock photo by d.l. reynolds

happy 33rd anniversary of roe vs. wade!!!

freaked out monkey (tarsier) thing i found online. i need one!!! (this would make a perfect valentine's day gift! nothing says LUV like a rare and exotic monkey prone to fits of rage!!!)

ok, first off: i got a new (used) dining room set from magalotti. 6 chairs and a leaf! now i am all grown up and adult-like. this upcoming sunday dinner will be at my house in celebration of the table. also, my mom is insanely jealous that i have a larger dining room set then hers, so i'd like to have enough people over to fill all 6 chairs, just to rub it in her face.

what else? i had another great weekend hanging out with matt. except his cat peeing on me a 2nd time. this time he only got my arm, thankfully. (the fact that i use the word "thankfully" is a bad sign of things to come..... "he only ran me over once, thankfully!")

i have discovered something top secret at starbuck's, called the "short cappuccino". cheaper and better then a "tall capp", this doesn't even appear on the menu! read the facts at: http://www.slate.com/id/2133754/

click this link http://www.thisislondon.com/showbiz/celebbb/articles/21499605?source=Metro&ct=5 to see what pete burns (from the band dead or alive) is up to these days. i tried to upload the image to my blog, but it keeps failing, which is probably for the best....

that's all for now. i did want to mention that lobster messiah is winning my mom over as her new favorite blog. does lobster messiah's mother (mary, i assume) read my blog??? i think not!


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I was not jealous of your 6 chair table....for a person who never even eats at a table I don't see the need for a table with 6 chairs...but we can crowd around my little table just fine..all six of us on 4 chairs....

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I don't think Jenny actually wanted the table for the purpose of eating around and upon it...I suspect she needed it so that Hank-I-Want-To-Be-A-Zeppelin Cat would have some place to lay, since he's gotten too big to fit on the couch, or the bed, or the house....

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    yes he would need a big table because any of the six chairs would be too small....Poor Hank, he is very misunderstood.....

  4. My mom wouldn't even know how to turn on a computer, so the answer is probably not. But she does love conversations about furniture! I'll mention it to her.

    Very disturbing photo of those two Brits. I'm sad that I don't remember who Dead or Alive were.

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Go about 1/2 way down the page and you can see Pete Burns as he wants to be seen. Not sure if this is any better.
    Long live the queen.

  6. "dead or alive" were a popular band for like a minute, possibly around 1989. remember: "you spin me right round, baby right round, like a record baby, right round round round..."???

    my god, how did they not win a pulitzer or nobel peace prize for those lyrics?

    as far as mothers and computers go, keep your mom away! trust me, once they discover blogs and instant messaging, you will rue the day she ever laid hands on a PC! (if you didn't know, "thestick" is my mom, and she's quite jealous of the new table- see comments above).

    and dear mag's- hank is not fat, he's just big boned!!!

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Isn't that what they all say...."big boned" and I could give a flying fig newton about your 6 chair table.....

  8. Ah, right... I'd forgotten all about that song. (I've repressed most of my 80's music knowledge, since most of it was crap.)

    And Hi to glittermom

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I guess you mean me Lobster Boy....Hi to you too.....Get your mom on line....She will love it....You might not....
