December 9, 2005

my first nice and post....

this is my friend amy with her boyfriend steve. i've known amy since i started in QA at the old job, about 5 years ago. she's the one who trained me in QA (which was good since the other girl in QA at the time was mean!) we've been to FL on a business trip (which i am sworn to secrecy about), and we've been through cancer. she was diagnoses with non-hodgkins lymphoma a few years ago. i watched her get sick and lose her hair. i gave her shots in the bathroom at work and the weird thing is that i remember we did a lot of laughing. she never once felt sorry for herself and she kept on laughing. although i will say she played the cancer card and got lots of free coffee at the shop downstairs. hahaha!!!!

i rememeber when she started to get better and we'd check to see if any new hair grew in. i will say she looked completely lovely in head scarfs. we had a day after she shaved her head when everyone wore hats or scarves to show support. sadly, due to my lack of eyebrows, i looked like the one on chemo!

she's doing great now, and the reason i am writing about her is that she's got an amazing boyfriend and i'm so happy for her. besides seeing her go through cancer treatment, i saw her date a lot of jerks. i never understood why she couldn't find a nice guy who appreciated her. i mean, she's cute, funny, and makes amazing stuffed green peppers! i mean, come on!!!

ok, end of first and last "nice" post.


  1. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Aww how nice!! ok now that you were sugary sweet, give me what you really think!! Jennifer I do have to say that I miss you being here. Work has never been so abnormal as when you were here! Remember your coconut monkey head??

    (Not to correct you but it was just Hodgkin's not non-hodgkins...that's the bad one)

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. sorry amy-joy, it's what i really think.

    i always get those cancers screwed up! you could have gotten something easier for me to remember!!!

    i miss working there too. i loved all the people (except my jackass last supervisor.) i'm really happy now at the new job. and from all my application testing at BW, i'm doing great! AND i have a boss who appreciates my work.

    but i am thinking we need a BW reunion night at paddy's after the holidays....
