December 1, 2005

like deciding i am ignostic, i have also decided that i am pro-choice. not just about abortion, but about EVERYTHING. pro-physician assisted suicide, pro-suicide, pro-amputation, pro-drugs, pro-death.....

i want there to be as few abortions as possible. i don't want anyone to kill themselves or amputate their big toe. i don't want anyone to shoot heroine or have a resiprator turned off. i just want people to have the right to decide for themselves.

as long as you're not endangering anyone else (like taking drugs and then driving a car) you do what you want to do!

btw- being "pro-death" does not mean i am pro-death penalty. no governmemt should be allowed to execute its citizens, no matter what hideous acts they commit. lock them up forever, but don't murder them. the fact that DNA has been used to prove someone on death row was wrongly convicted should put an end to executions. the fact that we shoot, hang, poison and electrocute human beings in this country is shameful.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Wow! Where did all this come from? Sounds like you have too much time to think...

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    of course she has too much time to think... She doesn't work. She didn't at MIS, i wouldn't expecter her to at e&y. The extent of her day at MIS was reading posts on a Facts of Life Message Board.

  3. yeah zak, R U a playa-hater??? i am actually swamped at work, but i like to take 15 minutes to blog. it's the only fun i have at this point, which i SAD.

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Playa Hater? i was just pointing out she didn't work here so under my assumption she doesn't work there...

  5. it's true, i didn't do much work at the last place. i was bored out of my mind! i had a boss who didn't know what my job was or should have been.

    at e&y i actually do work. in a 10 hour day i would say i goof off for maybe an hour total.

    so bite me. LOL!!!

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Play nice children.....

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Suicide is illegal. I am curious if it has ever been succesfully prosecuted? I wonder if the defendant ever recieved the death penalty?

  8. suicide being illegal is INSANE. also, prostitution being illegal makes me nuts.

    as the wise david lowell reynolds once said, "my body, my decision!"
