December 4, 2005

Jennifer's guest blog. Anonymous.

I am better at quick topics, as previously shown. This is how I am in person as well, so keep up. -

I am not an animal person. They are cute from a distance, but they make my eyes and nose fill with liquid and itch. Would I be an animal person if I weren't allergic? No. I won't harm an animal and will feed and water as necessary, but that's it.

-Money, money, money. Why is it necessary, and why do I have no impulse control? Whenever I get money, why is it gone, within days? Why am I 35 with no savings account?

-Will I ever feel like an adult? I see my parents as adults and my friends. But I feel like an adolescent still. What do I want to be when I grow up? Will I be on social security before I decide? Do I need a child or marriage to make me feel like an adult? If I never have either, will I forever be 14?

-Do I have too many choices? I am overwhelmed daily with things I can do and choices I can make. However, I still make the same choices day in and day out. I stay in my tiny little fishbowl and only venture out when necessary. This goes for everything, food, entertainment, travel, work.

-Am I getting old? I talk like my dad and hate loud music. I think ending my words with -izzle is insanely stupid. I do like kids, for the most part, although I think they are tricky and generally up to no good. That could be just because that's the way I was, or because I am very distrustful. I don't like eating supper at 4pm, or getting up at 5am. I do like cotton clothes and the faintly musty smell of old people homes (do they never clean? if so, where do you find cleaning products with no clean smell?). My parents are 61 and that is seeming less and less old, the older I get.

-Is everyone going through a midlife crisis?


  1. About old people and cleaning...

    Using my rents as example.

    Old people don't make messes, but they don't clean much either.

    My mom and dad don't ever make big messes. They make their two person meal in the exact OCD order, put everything back in the exact place using the specific tools they specifically need, and the trash in the three different cans- food scraps, paper, and "the smelly can". Then they sit in the same two chairs and watch two separate TVs. They never have anything out of place, but they rarely dust or open any goddamn windows.

    So it's clean but doesn't smell clean.

    My god that is so fucking depressing. I have to go start a savings account now....

  2. i've been an old lady since my teens. i'm home today, sipping ginger ale in my cotton jammies.

    i feel like some weird combo of a little and a grandma!

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You know you are old enough to be my mom right?
