November 18, 2005

i brought a pomogranete in and none of the americans knew what it was. fernando thought it was a big onion when he saw it in the fridge! keep in mind he also once tried to eat a buckeye still in its green outer shell (he thought it was fruit.)

it's been less then a week and my boss is back to barking orders and saying things like, "If you're looking for sympathy, go to Webster's dictionary and look between shit & syphillus!" this was in response to my letting him know that my fingers are developing callouses from typing so much!

oh, and to the bossy undercover freak: you come up with something better and i'll post it!


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I love this picture...

  2. Now you need to bring in rosewater candy and grenadine and really freak their asses out.
