November 29, 2005

holy shit! they stole my idea!!!!
me: someone brought up barbie dolls at work
me: i blurted out about how as a kid i built my barbie a wheelchair
me: then ended up mummifiying her
me: i need to stop telling people that shit! at least at work!
trollboy: lol
me: thank god i didn't tell them about the cher barbie my mom got me
me: she was like an inch taller then ken and really scary
me: she ended up stealing the RV and raping ken
trollboy: what a bitch
me: ken was the bitch!
me: total queen....
me: i am cutting and pasting this
me: should i change your IM name to matt?
trollboy: blog?
me: yup
trollboy: or trollboy
trollboy: just let me get an ad in real quick
trollboy: cuz
me: ok
trollboy: there's nothing quite as nice as GoldBond Medicated Powder.
trollboy: there I'm done
me: hahaha
me: i use that shit all the time!!!!
me: because i am an old lady


  1. Do you think your hatred of Cher came from your crush on Sonny Bono?

    Everybody hated the Cher doll. For some reason it was just frustrating that she was too big for the Barbie clothes. So much for "Diversity".

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I forgot you did have a big crush on Sonny that...and wanting to be a stripper when you grow

  3. i didn't have a crush on sonny bono as a child. you made that up!

    i had all kinds of barbie problems. my cat missy loved to chew their feet off, so i could never use the cool shoes, only a pair of white go-go boots to hide the carnage. now do you see why she needed a wheelchair???

    i don't like this "wheelchair becky" broad. she's the school photographer (i.e. handi-capable).

    i heard she was on a drug run to mexico and had her legs broken by her pimp when she got back late.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I think they should do an "OCD Barbie" and they could sell little tiny bottles of Adavan and antibacterial hand creme and plates with neatly segretated food. It could look like a cross between Charlton and would have a lovely moonpie face with crazy red spiky hair, a metal ankle and size twelve feet....good luck to your cats eating THOSE feet off. heh heh....

  5. LOL!!!! ah mag's, you and i are quite the pair!

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Yes Jennifer you were a kid and yes you were in love with Sonny wanted to marry him...this is no joke...

  7. Anonymous12:46 AM

    she also like andy gibb. i remember it was written on the attic wall "andy gibb is a babe: HA!

  8. fuck off mom and sis! i didn't write andy gibb is a babe. that god damned laurie palmer did! i loved billy joel, but mom kept buying me leif garret albums and shaun cassidy posters.

    i did like that parker stevenson on the hardy boys. when sherry perry and i roller skated in grandma's basement, i pretended the mop was parker and she had the broom as shaun cassidy.

    we weren't allowed to play in the basement after we created "fagnotion". it was my idea of course. 5 years old and wanted to make magic potion. i have no idea where i came up with "fagnotion", but we basically mixed every cleaning product we could get our hands on in the basement. it turned out to be a nice pretty blue concoction!

    so basically i have always been crazy.
