October 19, 2005

i was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The Food and Drug Administration wants to know if those popular antibacterial soaps really work. Critics say the cleansers not only provide little benefit for health-conscious consumers, but also could carry public and environmental health risks. The FDA is now taking the issue to an outside committee of experts who will examine whether the use of antibacterial soaps, wipes and washes should be limited. Any move by the FDA would affect hundreds of products on store shelves. Some 253 antibacterial products have been introduced in the U.S. this year alone. Some doctors have argued against use of antibacterial products for years, saying they can lead to the emergence of bacteria that resist antibiotics. "

1 comment:

  1. Damn Straight! I've always said that those antibacterial products create Superbugs, and that the whole formula feeding/smoking/daycare cycle is killing children by spreading and creating ear infections and super flus.

    Wash your hands, people. Just wash your freakin' hands.
