October 31, 2005


i decided to use google image search for "guest star" and use whatever image came up first. meet creepy little danny!

this image came up on page 2 and i thought i'd include it as well, just because i love random craziness.

so my idea is to invite anyone who doesn't have a blog, but does have an opinion, to use my blog. i will post whatever you write, along with images, etc...

our first guest blogger is.....anonymus! enjoy.

I haven't written on a blog before but I shall start today, for Jennifer, the whore. She is a great person, with a small animal addiction. I am trying to decide what to write about. I shall rant. I like to complain, and since you apparently like to read, here goes-

--If you cannot drive a big truck, do not buy one. Women, unfortunately this seems to apply to you, more often than not. Those big SUVs do take a certain amount of skill which you should possess prior to purchasing one. Maybe you could use the test drive, to see if you can actually drive it.

--The God question is freaking me out a little. Do I believe in God? Logically, the magic God is said to possess is too fantastic to believe. Then again, the stories we hear are actually from man, translated into other languages by man. And these were medieval men at best, sexist, homophobic, stuck in their societal norms. I cannot believe my thoughts, ideas, and relationships, as well as the entirely of life, are a completely random occurrence. Could God just be a wonderful grandparent who is understanding and forgiving? And, most or all, not judgmental? And where does 42 fit in?

--I think everyone should be able to speak English appropriately. Diagramming may be a little much, but I think conjugating verbs shouldn't be an option, it should be mandatory.

--I think the word weird should never be viewed, or used, as a negative. My friend Jennifer used to call me an undercover freak. I think everyone has some amount of freak and many people have an extraordinary amount. We all just wear it differently. If I want my hair blue, so be it. You can see my freak. I am not John Wayne Gacy, hiding my freak under the floor boards. Blue hair or a tongue piercing do not hurt others.

--I love Howard Stern. He is very real and natural. Is he sexist? No, I don't think so. He has 3 daughters, who he said he would never want to be a stripper, and Robin, who is a very intelligent woman. Is he focused on sex? Yes, and it has kept him in radio for over 20 years. Artie Lange may be the funniest person.

--If we are overthrowing regimes that are basing their laws on Islamic teachings, why is our own government trying to base our laws and choices on conservative Christianity? My religious choices may have nothing to do with yours. The laws should protect each person for safety, not make moral decisions for me.

--I love to eat. Truly. That is why I am overweight. It is not because I am big boned, eat little and keep gaining weight, or any other excuse. I also, do not like to exercise. It's a bad combo.

--Could Will Ferrell be any funnier? He is not very visually appealing, but he makes me laugh. Goofy and earnest. What a great person.

--Please let my epitaph read, "She laughed loud and often."

--Please comment. I love a debate.

And finally....

Quote from Lidia "My head is like cable right now, 31 channels and nothings on".


  1. Danny has the look of a a boy about to be beaten for not being as cute as Zach Braff in "Chicken Little".

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    you need your own blog, or to take over this one. you are MUCH better at this then jennifer, the whore.
