September 17, 2005

this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. i want to live in this museum! alas, it's in hong kong so that will probably not happen.

my blog has been super sucky lately. mostly because i am so busy with the new job, and not much exciting is going on. but i did get some great news. dixie's bloodwork came back and the cushing's disease is in remission. she's been off chemo for months, so this is amazing news.

ok, back to being boring.....


  1. This is WONDERFUL. Dixie is the Queen of All Dogdom!

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Yes, she is something......

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    you need to post your colon pictures....

  4. And that Supernova installation thing, that weren't no chopped liver neither!

  5. the supernova installation was so beautiful i almost passed out!!!
