September 24, 2005

this is david AT WORK! i love when you can have fun at work. this place is a lot of hard work, but we do have fun.

so i decided that if i am going to get through these 50-60 hour weeks, i have to take better care of myself. i am taking all my vitamins and getting a B12 shot every month (my levels were low and that can cause fatigue.) since i only have 1 day off a week, i am not going to make any big plans. i have so much cleaning and errands to run when i finally have down time, so making plans just isn't working out. from now until the end of the year (when the project MUST deliver) i will basically have no life. it's only temporary and i knew it would be like this going in. this may be my only chance to make enough money to put a downpayment on the house someday. plus the vet bills for my menagerie are huge. so getting paid hourly (including OT) means i will make a nice chunk of change. not bad for a college drop-out!

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