September 9, 2005

my bossy friend chris has bossed me to update my blog. for once i don't have much to say. i was sick earlier in the week, and then have been busy at work. i will write a whole bunch this weekend. i promise!!!


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    you better get on the stick with Gorilla Monkey pen...I think you neglected him and now he's dead...or just very sad....

  2. I think Gorilla Monkey Pen knows what happenned to Natalee Holloway

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I believe you may be right...but maybe Gorilla Monkey Pen has fallen prey to a similar fate...He's very charming you know...and actually pretty dumb...

  4. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Gorilla Monkey Pen IS Natalee Holloway in her 3rd life.
