September 21, 2005

last night's bad dream..... i went to live with some white trash family in the south. a bee came by as i was walking into the house, so i decided not to freak out and run like i usually do. everyone says they won't sting you if you leave them alone. of course the thing stung me. in the house i got stung again, and again. the parents of the house told me to stop being a baby. there were kids ranging from toddlers to my age, and they wouldn't listen either. then they all started getting stung. it really hurt! i finally realized there was a huge bee hive in the rafters. they didn't seem concerned and said an exterminator would be out in a few weeks. at that point i was covered in stings, and it was so painful and vivid! i kept complaining, so they went and bought a few cans of raid and said they'd take care of it themselves.

so i got all the kids into a back room closet, because i knew it wouldn't work. they sprayed the hive and told us to come out, the bees were all dead. everyone went out but me. i watched through a crack in the door as a huge swarm of bees formed. i ran outside into a truck, and the family started screaming and running out. one little boy was stung so badly, his skin on his torso started to look like a turtle shell!

a few of the kids my age got into the truck and we drove off. we found a county fair and decided to check it out. i was having trouble walking (from bee stings on my right foot.) then my left foot started to really hurt. i sat down and took my shoe off and found a tiny brown mole attached to my heel! it hurt so bad and i finally tore him off, but his weird tail/stinger was still in my foot, and it was so painful! the one girl looked at me and said, "i used to think it was so cool when people had really bad injuries, but now it just makes me angry"

then i woke up.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Jenny, how in the heck does my lovely artwork relate to this screwed up dream????

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Sticklady says " I don't even have a comment on this"

  3. *blinks*

  4. Selena's artwork restores Jen's credibility so we all don't think she is insane.

    Something similar happened to me when I lived in the Volkswagen Bus. I had a favorite pair of shorts overalls, very punk rock back to nature, and I put them on to go to the outhouse (yes that's what I said) and there was a wasp in them. Wasps can sting over and over! OH MY ASS!

    But I still didn't get to go to the fair. I had to take a cold shower and then report to the Point Pleasant WV Shoneys by six am to make biscuits.
