August 24, 2005

one of my good friends is in love. you can read about it on his blog (but you'll have to figure out which one) below. i am so amazed at his "balls to the wall" approach! he's just putting himself out there and taking the big risks, and it's impressive. i don't know if he'll get the girl (although he should dammit!) but if it doesn't happen, at least he can say he tried his best and didn't chicken out. hell yeah!!!!!!!!!

as for me, i now love my new job and feel totally good about things. i have caught up and am once again the smartest kid in the room, as it should be. my boss and i have an agreement that at least once a day he will make sure to say something funny and wildly inappropriate to me, to counteract my spending all day in "the pit" with the shy and polite people.

ok, my current celebrity crushes are: hugh laurie, dave grohl, john hockenberry, john cusack, and as always; vince vaughn and david letterman.

ok, ciao!!!


  1. I'm more than just peruvian!!!!

    I'm Italian too :)

    So did you get your fast internet working yet?? I see you're online way more!!

  2. no fast internet yet. but matt and todd are helping with that. i might not totally hate computers and have been enjoying the blog. you need to update yours!
