July 17, 2005

you know it's bad when i don't even bother to post a photo.....

griffin is developing another hematoma at the tip of his ear. i have caught it in time and so far he's in no pain. so tomorrow it's another trip to the vet. they won't have to put him under, just sedate him, drain the blood and restitch. i just hate having to take him because he gets so scared. the other stress is money. my mom has a credit card i have been using for all my crazy vet bills, but it's almost at it's limit and it upsets her, which upsets me. blech!!!!! i have decided to take today to sit around and feel sorry for myself. i am going to sulk and mope to my heart's content! then tomorrow i will cut this shit out and get on with things. the dog will be ok, my mom will chill, and someday the great cone-headed nightmare of 2005 will be over. thanks to everyone for listening to me bitch and moan about this over the last 2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    hope your over your sulk and mope faze..we need pictures and laughs...
