July 28, 2005

another blog about a pet....

i figure eventually i will introduce them all. also, i like the idea of these animals who were once homeless and unwanted now being famous. because my blog is famous of course....

this is lucy. my vet rescued her as a stray who was having a litter of kitten and very sick. he got all the kittens adopted out, but no one wanted lucy. she was very shy and nervous, and sort of odd looking. a stump tail and bowed legs, with lots of mangy hair. when i brought her home she lived under the couch for days. she was sick for the longest time and the other cats hated her, so she "moved in" to my bedroom. she loved having the room to herself and started getting better quickly. within weeks she started strutting around, chirping at me to pet her now! she grew a beautful coat in and loves to be the duchess of the room. she's starting to be comfortable with me leaving the door open at night so the dogs can come in. she's very strict with them, and they know their place. last night she even let the other cats in. at one point i was in bed with a giant cone-headed dog and 3 cats! i looked around, took note that my life is insane, and fell back asleep.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    THAT LUCY IS A PISTOL!!! but you gotta love her...

  2. Lucy is Henry's favorite of your cats. When he slept in your room, she sauntered out of the closet and seemed to say, "Ah, another small creature! EX-CELLENT! I am SAFE!" and plopped on the bed next to him all night. She is the Duchess of her own Duchy.

  3. hehehe...lucy loved having, i mean "allowing: guests into her duchy! i thought she might hide in the closet, but was happy to hear she pranced out and meet everyone. i tried to sleep in this morning, but after i hit the snooze, she jumped up and made her "meep meep meep" sound and demanded petting. so bossy!
